New Alresford Town Trust

Alresford Museum

The next Open Days for the Museum will be Sunday 15 September 2024, 12.00 - 4.00.

what3words address: file.sparrows.appear

The Victorian FiremanThe Museum operates under the umbrella of the New Alresford Town Trust with the objective to provide a working museum for the town. In 2018 we successfully converted part of the Old Fire Station into an embryo Museum to house the old steamer, horse drawn fire engine. During 2018 and 2019 we held eight very successful and popular open days. Since November 2019 we have been working to expand the Museum which has been impeded by the current emergency but we will open on 27 September between 12.00 and 4.00.

All this has been achieved from money raised locally but we will need some more help to purchase specialist display cabinets to house the smaller artifacts.

The objective is to collect and catalogue documents and artifacts which will illustrate the story of Alresford display them in an interesting and educational way. We have a fair collection and more has been forthcoming since our existence became known. In the absence of a group dedicated to this goal valuable material tends to be lost forever. We hope that this will not now happen. So if you have material which you think might be of interest please let us know and at least enable, us to record it.

Examples of material that would be of interest includes:

  • Old deeds or documents which relate to buildings or activities of the town
  • Old accounts, bills, invoices, and ledgers relating to old businesses of the area
  • Artifacts related to the old crafts of the area, e.g. sheep rearing, fulling etc., brewing, building, watercress growing and voluntary and community services
  • Artifacts showing how local people lived in the past

There are other activities we would like to illustrate. If in doubt please do talk to one of our group.

Should a group of people wish to have a viewing of the collections held by the Museum at the Old Fire Station this can be arranged in return for a donation to the Museum. Please contact Roy Gentry

We would also welcome promises of material in the future. We would also welcome funds now. Since the Museum is part of the Town Trust who are a registered charity no. 239052, we could get 25% back from the tax man if you give by Gift Aid.


Please contact Roy Gentry, for more information or to donate documents, artifacts or money.

The early days

The Museum was originally conceived by Roy Robins who established the Alresford and District Museum Trust as a charity in April 2006 but the initial enthusiasm was lost on his death in May 2007. Their achievements over that short period were limited but they did manage to raise over £10,000 towards their endeavour. Ill health and the death of Trustees resulted in the Charity and the initiative failing and the Charity was removed from the register in 2009. There are strict rules on how a charity can dispose of its assets but in essence they can only be transferred to another charity. This is where the Town Trust stepped in during 2011 and the Charity Commissioners agreed to the funds being transferred to the Town Trust as an established charity.

We have now picked up the reins where they left off and the Museum goes from strength to strength!

2024 Open Days

During 2024 it is planned that the Museum will be open on six days
Easter Bank Holiday 1 April
May Day Bank Holiday Monday 6 May
Bank Holiday Monday 27 May
Sunday 16 June
Sunday 14 July
August Bank Holiday - Monday 26 August
Heritage Weekend, 15 and 22 September.
Put these dates in your diary and come along to learn more about Alresford's history.